As part of MBV's commitment to helping ensure that our members are informed and up-to-date on the most recent developments regarding COVID-19, here is a recap of some of the most recent changes to restrictions and COVIDSafe protocols. 

Tuesday the 22 February saw the first anniversary of Victoria’s first administered COVID-19 vaccination. To date, more than 14,211,000 doses have been administered across the State.

Please note that going forward, the official definition of ‘fully vaccinated against COVID-19’ has changed from ‘fully vaccinated’ to ‘up to date’. People aged 16 and over who have received all three vaccinations will now be considered up to date.

People aged 16 and over who have not received their third dose within six months of their second dose are now considered ‘overdue.’

To date, 57.6% of Victoria’s eligible 18+ have received their third dose.

As of 11:59pm Friday 25 February, the following public health recommendations changed for Victorians:

  • Work or study from home was removed
  • Masks are only required indoors in the following circumstances, unless an exemption applies
  • Public transport, taxis and rideshares, planes and indoors at an airport
  • People working or visiting hospitals and care facilities
  • Workers in hospitality, retail and the court system
  • Workers at justice and correctional facilities
  • Students in year 3 or above at primary schools, and workers at early childhood centre (masks can be removed in secondary schools)
  • People working indoors at an event with more than 30,000 people attending



The Novavax vaccine is available through some state-run vaccination centres, your local GP, pharmacy, and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. Visit Book your vaccine appointment for more information about booking options. 

The Novavax vaccine will also be available for in-home appointments for anyone over the age of 18 who needs to receive their first or second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at home. Visit COVID-19 vaccination at home for more information about this service. 

Novavax - has been updated with translated materials on Novavax in: Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Macedonian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish and Urdu. This includes Novavax Factsheets, FAQs and Key messages to distribute within your networks. You can also access translated information here: Translated information about COVID-19 vaccines. 


Vaccination Resources for Children and Teenagers

More information on vaccinations and available appointments for children and teenagers is available here.

Moderna approved for children aged 6-11 years

ATAGI recommendations on the use of Spikevax (Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 6 to 11 years. The recommended schedule for Moderna vaccination in children is 2 doses, 8 weeks apart. The Pfizer children’s vaccine continues to be the only COVID-19 vaccine approved for children who are 5 years of age. 


For more information and vaccination appointments, click here.